Lands inspection


Land 20Price. $ 20 (Rs.5999) *** Per Visit.

Land size maximum 20 perches. Inspection report includes Photographs, videos, Inspection findings and suggestions.


Land 100Price. $ 25 (Rs.7500) *** Per Visit.

Land size maximum 100 perches. Inspection report includes Photographs, videos, Inspection findings and suggestions.


Land 160Price. $ 30 (Rs.9000) *** Per Visit.

Land size maximum 160 perches. Inspection report includes Photographs, videos, Inspection findings and suggestions.


Land Plus  Special Price

Land size minimum 160 perches or above. Inspection report includes Photographs, videos, Inspection findings and suggestions. (fill your registration form to get best deal)


*** The price is influenced by the exchange rate of the dollar(USD).

Transport free for Colombo District. Special price for other districts.